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  • How far have you travelled so far?
    As of being in Sofia, Bulgaria, we have travelled 8000kms, we hope to travel 10,000 by the time we get Munich. If not then, at least by the end of our trip.
  • Where are you going?
    We started our trip in Porto, Portugal and then followed the Douro River into Spain. The bigger cities we visited there, were Madrid, Zaragoza and Barcelona. Following that we travelled through France to Paris via Montpellier, Lyon and Orleans We then cycled to Brussels, Ghent and Bruges in Belgium, and continued up the Netherlands' coast to Leiden, Amsterdam and then Utrecht, Nijmegen and crossed the border into Germany around Venlo. Through Germany we passed through Bonn, close to Frankfurt and Nuremburg and onto Munich. From then we followed the Inn river to Innnsbruck, Austria, and on to Venice in Italy. We followed the coast almost all the way down from Croatia to Greeece, with a small adventure in Bosnia slightly inland to Mostar. We followed the Greek coast down to Athens, and then up to Thessaloniki. We then continued inland towards a small town called Strumica in Macedonia. We went up to Sofia in Bulgaria following that, and will continue onto Belgrade in Serbia and then follow the Danube river through a small section of Croatia, up to Budapest in Hungary and then Vienna and back to Munich. We will spend November and December at COP23 and travelling around Germany to see friends and family.
  • What are you doing with the UNFCCC?
    We are officially Climate Ambassadors of the Climate Neutral Now innitative, linked below. In these positions, we are promoting their project, especially the reduce step of the 3 steps. They also put us in contact with organisations, businesses and even start ups, who we then go and speak with, and discuss their climate action plans and how they are contributing to a climate neutral planet.
Portugal 4 April - Day 1 - PORTO - The Atlantic Coast.jpg

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